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Introduction and definition of terms:

This web site is owned and operated by Fresher365 Pte Ltd. (” we “, ” us “, ” our ” or ” the company “), a Singapore registered company.
You are the customer. By submitting an order on this web site, you agree to the Terms and Conditions that appear below.

” Pricing ” means the total price of goods.
” Website ” means fresherdinners.com.sg website.
” Goods ” are the goods ordered by the customer using our website.
” Handover ” means handing over your goods personally to you or the resident at your delivery location.
” Drop off” means leaving your goods at your delivery location (so that you can pick it up at your convenience).
” Fresher Dinner Credits” or “Wallet” are monetary credits solely applicable to goods on our website and it is not refundable.

We may update these Terms and Conditions from time to time and we recommend that you check prior to each order to ensure that you agree with them at the date of your order. If you place an order after we have published the changes on this web site you will be bound by those changes.



Pricing & payment changes:

Pricing is in Singapore dollars (SGD) and all transactions will be performed in (SGD). Pricing is subjected to changes at the sole discretion of Fresher365 Pte Ltd. Payment through credit card via Stripe.

Shipping & delivery

Drop Off Deliveries: Meals can be kept chilled in insulated Dinner Bags after our courier leaves it at your doorstep. Please retrieve your package and store in proper refrigeration as soon as possible. Fresher365 Pte Ltd  is discharged of all liability of our product and service usage once it has been dropped off.

Unsuccessful Deliveries: In all deliveries, couriers will attempt to reach out to you via mobile at least 2 times if they are unable to reach your apartment’s doorstep. In the event when deliveries are unsuccessful after unanswered calls to your apartment,  Fresher365 Pte Ltd reserves the right to move on to the following deliveries and return your dinners to our facility for safe storage. All redeliveries are subjected to a $15 redelivery fee. 

Unfulfilled due to bad weather traffic conditions and/or unforeseen circumstances: Fresher365 Pte Ltd strives to fulfill all delivery requests but for the safety of our courier team, deliveries may be rescheduled due to bad weather, traffic conditions and/or unforeseen road circumstances. Unfulfilled delivery will be sent back for re-delivery on the next available time slot at no additional cost. Fresher365 Pte Ltd will not be liable or responsible for late deliveries or failure to deliver the products ordered due to bad weather, traffic conditions and/or unforeseen circumstances.



All food items are manufactured in a facility that also processes: dairy, eggs, fish, shellfish, soy, and tree nuts

Cancellation & refund policies

Cancellations can only be made if your order has not yet been processed, before the cut off period on Thursday 12pm. 

Upon receiving meals, no refunds can be made. Any refunds are made solely at the discretion of Fresher365 Pte Ltd. Please contact ask@fresherdinners.com.sg. Refunds will be done in Fresher Dinner Credits to your Wallet only. 

Privacy policies

Protecting your privacy and your information is our top priority. 

When ordering or registering on our site, your name, email address, phone number, credit card information or other details may be requested to help us deliver a better service to you.

By providing the above personal information, you grant let us permission to use the provided personal information to personalise your user experience, administer marketing campaigns like promotions, provide convenience in transaction processing, to send periodic emails or text messages on your placed order or our other proposition.

At any point in time, you may choose to stop receiving our marketing content by following the unsubscribe instructions included in each email or by contacting us directly at ask@fresherdinners.com.sg

Business transfer and related

In an event of Fresher365 Pte Ltd having to undergo any business transfer, user information and Fresher credits will be recognized as an asset or liability respectively.
You acknowledge this transfer may occur and transfer related parties may continue to use user information appropriately and also service meal Fresher credits on behalf of Fresher.


Notification of policy changes

Fresher365 Pte Ltd website terms of use is updated regularly at our discretion when needed and we encourage users to frequent this page. Your usage constitutes your acceptance and agreement of our policies and any change in policies. 

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Get Started
Our Menu
Dinner Plans
About Us
Food Promise
Group Buy
Terms & Conditions

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